Compassionate Hearts on the Bellarine commenced in 2019 following the insightful recognition by a small group of local people who recognised, whilst there was medical and nursing support for people living with a life limiting illness and their families, there were few, day to day emotional and physical support networks, for people living on the Bellarine.

Compassionate Hearts on the Bellarine (ABN: 59 657 570 014) is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient. Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible in Australia.

In 2024 Compassionate Hearts on the Bellarine     

·  Is an incorporated, not for profit organisation, with a Committee of Management which provides strategic direction and governance to the group.

·  Has a Voluntary Volunteer Coordinator who supports our volunteers in their role.  The volunteer coordinator is the nexus between the Palliative Care staff of Bellarine Community Health, Doctors and the Doctors’ Clinics and ill people and their support networks.

·   Has a team of trained Volunteers. Our volunteers are local people who have undergone training to gain an understanding of and commitment to providing support to people with a life limiting illness and their families.

How does Compassionate Hearts on the Bellarine fit with the Medical and Nursing Services?

Compassionate Hearts on the Bellarine receive referrals to accept a person onto our service from the Bellarine Community Health Palliative Care Services, Medical Practitioners or by self-referral from an ill person or their family or friends.

Care provided by Compassionate Hearts on the Bellarine volunteers is non-medical and complements the medical and nursing support.



To support people on the Bellarine through times of illness, dying, grief and loss.


To train volunteers to provide assistance and support to people with a life-limiting illness, and their carers.

To educate our communities around illness, dying, grief and loss.